"Because I Can"

Imagine the impact of your entire school learning to "Pay Attention; It Pays Off," "Share the Love; Share the Learning!" Promote schoolwide involvement using the "BC Ballhandling Club" and "BC in PE."

Welcome to the "The BCs"

After successfully implementing the "BC Character @ Work" program in Wake County (NC) schools and YMCAs since 2006, with thousands of students and over 100 teachers, Networks Basketball is expanding to offer the program nationwide.

The BCs provide teachers with the techniques, strategies, and venues to combine "cool, fun activities" with the "Do the Work" message, creating relationships and experiences that transform thoughts, words and actions – it’s a "teachable moment" machine!

Begin your BCs with an extracurricular club for grades 3-8; a physical education module for grades K-8 can be added, as well as strategies for school-wide involvement and staff development. Best of all, the BCs are fun, challenging, and you have choice in implementation! After the BCs Coach’s Training you’ll be able to do them all.

"The positive ‘I can’ attitude is beginning to filter out from the club members
into their traditional classrooms and is creating a more success-orientated
learning environment for students not involved in the program."

– Rebecca Tucci, MSED, NBCT, PE Specialist

Join the "Because I Can" Community

Members of the community benefit from the experience of over a hundred other teachers who have successfully implemented the BCs in their schools. Interact online, download additional resources, and more!

Take the BC Challenge! Become a BC Certified Coach of Character and challenge your school to become a community of "I Can."







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